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8945 Солек


Артикул: 8945
14 деталей
РРЦ: 329 руб
MSRP: $5.99

Подсерия: Matoran of Light
Bionicle, 2008


Ав-Маторан белого цвета, напарник Копаки.

Описание от Лего:

A new ally!

An expert on the ancient legends of the Toa, Solek has always wanted to be a hero like them. Now he has the chance to fight alongside his idols! Fights with dual power blades and rocket booster.

  • Combine with 8685 Kopaka Nuva for more action!
  • Solek has yellow eyes, rocket booster and 3?" (9cm) long twin power blades!
  • Stands 5?" (14cm) tall!


Solek Instruction

Список деталей

White Bionicle Arm / Leg Upper Section (Solek)

4x 4516405

White Bionicle Mask Solek

1x 4516409

Trans-Neon Green Bionicle Head Connector Block (Av-Matoran)

1x 4565918

Dark Bluish Gray Technic Axle Connector 2 x 3 with Ball Socket Closed Sides

2x 4519225

Dark Bluish Gray Bionicle Matoran Torso Av-Matoran Type 1

1x 4516400

Dark Bluish Gray Bionicle Foot with Ball Joint Socket with Flat Top 3 x 6 x 2 1/3

2x 4522626

Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Weapon Small Blade (Hewkii Mahri / Solek)

2x 4504970

Pearl Light Gray Bionicle Engine Jet Pack (Toa Lewa)

1x 4518506


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