8924 Максилос и Спинакс
Артикул: 8924
256 деталей
РРЦ: 1299 руб
MSRP: $29.99
Подсерия: Titans
Bionicle, 2007
Бывший охранник Ямы, тело которого занял Макута Теридакс.
Описание от Лего:
Solve the secret of Maxilos!
This robotic guardian of the Pit has been taken over by the evil Makuta as part of his ultimate plan to seize power in the universe. Aided by his energy hound, Spinax, Maxilos uses his twin-bladed black fire sword and shoulder-mounted Cordak blaster in battle. But whose side is he really on?
- Maxilos's shoulder-mounted Cordak blaster really fires!
- Maxilos stands over 8" (20 cm) tall!
- Spinax has red eyes, spikes on his back and stands 5" (13 cm) tall!
Список деталей
Инвентарь 12707
11x 4121715
3x 4121715
2x 4119589
2x 4249261
2x 6276951
4x 370526
1x 370826
3x 4289927
6x 4294808
4x 4286267
4x 655826
6x 4107828
9x 4206482
2x 4234429
15x 4142865
2x 4289779
10x 4119331
2x 4128598
2x 6188299
1x 6273712
2x 4252659
9x 4497796
1x 4508211
4x 6261373
2x 4497952
2x 6171762
3x 4163625
1x 4238919
2x 4211553
2x 4211639
1x 4211573
5x 4211573
2x 4211621
3x 6275844
2x 6275844
2x 4211889
1x 4211483
1x 4211483
23x 4211815
4x 4292654
1x 4211566
6x 4211050
2x 4211050
5x 4217829
4x 6093835
1x 4210656
4x 4227757
2x 4210751
2x 4495931
4x 4210980
4x 4294580
1x 4217826
1x 4278473
4x 4223771
4x 4289386
3x 4503381
4x 4499858
1x 4508553
1x 4210851
8x 4177440
1x 4227883
9x 4494087
4x 4494486
1x 4504505
2x 4504534
1x 4504538
2x 4561465
2x 4506045
2x 4506737
2x 4506758
2x 4506734
1x 4506736
1x 4236020
1x 4247224
1x 4255123
6x 4507719
1x 4497146
1x 4622777
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