8624 Гонка за Маской Жизни
Race for the Mask of Life
Артикул: 8624
507 деталей
РРЦ: 0 руб
MSRP: $59.99
Подсерия: Playsets
Bionicle, 2006
Пирака и Иника сражаются посреди лавовой реки за Маску Жизни.
Описание от Лего:
The race is on!
As they fight their way toward the Mask of Life, the Piraka and Toa Inika come to a great lava river. Now they must race down the treacherous molten river, each side trying to be first to reach the powerful mask. A mysterious tower is only the first of many obstacles that block their way!
- Includes two lava craft, tower, and zamor sphere launchers!
- Includes 8 all-new and mini Toa Inika and mini Piraka figures with moving parts!
- Includes 6 zamor spheres!
Список деталей
Инвентарь 6956
2x 246526
35x 4121715
3x 4121715
4x 300126
4x 301026
1x 4110045
2x 302326
2x 303026
1x 4243819
1x 303226
4x 303326
4x 4185583
1x 4143372
1x 3200126
7x 6284699
4x 4119589
2x 4542573
1x 4142135
1x 4142822
4x 4144023
4x 4144024
1x 4188143
6x 4563044
2x 362226
7x 370026
2x 370126
1x 370226
2x 370326
1x 370526
3x 370626
2x 370726
3x 370826
6x 371026
7x 373726
1x 389426
5x 389526
4x 403226
2x 4645732
2x 6078886
2x 6078889
1x 4227815
2x 428626
4x 4200486
1x 4209683
1x 4251393
1x 4251394
4x 4623154
1x 4294550
2x 4294543
1x 6024295
1x 4298922
1x 4296954
8x 4113805
1x 4107765
2x 655826
1x 4526931
1x 4527766
2x 4184169
4x 4206482
2x 302021
2x 4140806
5x 4142865
2x 6270107
6x 6270107
1x 4288824
1x 4544151
2x 4233225
5x 4186017
4x 4583979
4x 4237084
3x 4211396
2x 6038002
1x 4211705
1x 4211567
18x 4211553
3x 4211639
3x 4211573
2x 4211573
1x 6031956
1x 4211635
2x 4211634
1x 4211565
2x 4211807
5x 4211807
2x 4234535
3x 4211444
7x 6275844
2x 6275844
2x 4211449
2x 4211741
2x 6273724
2x 4211483
4x 4211483
4x 4211815
1x 4211499
1x 4211510
1x 4211515
6x 4211543
1x 4210984
2x 4211053
4x 4211129
5x 4211105
8x 4211060
7x 4211065
8x 4211094
2x 4210997
2x 4210637
2x 4211054
4x 4210697
7x 4211055
2x 4211137
3x 4292000
4x 4210978
2x 4210751
4x 4603472
2x 4299022
1x 4210802
1x 4662198
1x 4662199
4x 4210779
1x 4210866
1x 4210867
2x 4636417
1x 4210892
16x 4222196
2x 4503381
2x 4626927
3x 4508553
2x 4227872
1x 4276534
2x 4585759
1x 4298923
3x 4294141
2x 4294993
1x 4294537
1x 4294150
1x 4296955
2x 4236020
8x 4178663
1x 4222150
2x 4622776
2x 4256503
2x 4252695
2x 4275510
1x 4494303
3x 4494490
2x 4494492
1x 4494495
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
1x 0
2x 4296946
1x 4296943
4x 4578106
3x 4205004
2x 4194991
1x 4503726
1x 4294541
1x 4298919
2x 4294995
1x 4294542
1x 4294148
1x 4296952
2x 4287937
2x 4279763
3x 4294140
2x 4276180
6x 4228230
8x 4163454
4x 4539099
2x 4541384
2x 4623597
1x 4298916
4x 4288111
2x 4294538
1x 4541488
1x 4296949