8578 Галок-Кал
- Просмотров: 625
Борок-Кал владеющий магнетизмом
Описание от Лего:
Like water itself, Gahlok-Kal is hard to catch. Its surface is designed to make it difficult to grasp, and it can “flow” around obstacles when need be. Gahlok-Kal is stealthy as well, able to sneak in and out of a Matoran village without ever being seen or heard. Gahlok-Kal’s tool is a magnetic shield. This collects, controls and directs the power of magnetism from the earth – which can be employed as a defensive force field against attack, or be used as a formidable defensive weapon. The shield is also use for a variety of mundane tasks, such as shattering magnetic rock.