8558 Кадока и Гадока
Артикул: 8558
630 деталей
РРЦ: 0 руб
MSRP: $59.99
Подсерия: Titans
Bionicle, 2002
Бараг, королевы Бороков
Описание от Лего:
Powerful rulers of the Bohrok!
The Bahrag twins lurk beneath the surface of Mata Nui, protecting the secrets of the Bohrok swarms. If their snapping jaws were not enough, they also possess great mental abilities and the elemental powers possessed by all of the Bohrok. The Toa have never faced an opponent like this! Press the lever to make them bite, or strike them in their one vulnerable spot to disable their attack. Includes both Cahdok and Gahdok.
Список деталей
Инвентарь 15714
30x 4121715
4x 4140801
20x 4109810
10x 4114740
2x 4119589
22x 370526
2x 370626
6x 370726
2x 373726
4x 4164133
12x 4172091
52x 451926
48x 655826
2x 4143187
28x 4184169
7x 4254627
2x 4112000
2x 4240084
1x 4160897
2x 4174807
2x 4128555
1x 6136674
2x 4128596
3x 6114923
4x 4144283
1x 4509376
1x 4506043
2x 4158923
1x 4158925
2x 4186386
6x 4162070
4x 4162079
9x 4163535
2x 4173855
4x 4113807
7x 4142540
2x 4268653
2x 6218839
1x 4174808
2x 4119318
2x 6174847
1x 6188299
2x 4128594
3x 4263821
4x 4141811
1x 4153718
1x 4495933
2x 4143154
1x 4158836
2x 4186387
6x 4162067
4x 4162075
9x 4173975
2x 4173854
4x 4125189
2x 4110050
20x 4110050
2x 4141455
2x 4157753
10x 4154753
12x 4184166
14x 4125313
4x 4125313
2x 4109854
20x 4109854
4x 4141418
8x 4140503
6x 4141420
4x 4171913
4x 4124033
2x 4163707
4x 4140474
4x 4142292
6x 4140475
8x 4154756
4x 4154760
12x 4156152
2x 4162529
4x 4156340
4x 4162083
24x 4173433
8x 4173434
4x 0
2x 0
2x 4173659
2x 4157379
4x 4113884
6x 4125332
4x 4163623
2x 4120471
2x 4508432
4x 4173941
8x 4163132
22x 4184171
8x 70902
4x 4163576
2x 4163378
2x 4163379
2x 0
4x 0
4x 4174428