
Russian English

6228 Торнракс


Артикул: 6228
44 деталей
РРЦ: 499 руб
MSRP: $8.99

Подсерия: Breakout
Hero Factory, 2012


Насекомоподобный Злодей с крыльями и жалом

Описание от Лего:

Capture THORNRAXX without getting stung!

Sound the alarm! THORNRAXX has escaped through the black hole and is hiding on the hive planet! Get there on the double and cuff that villain! Just be prepared for his shooting venom spitter, deadly stinger and razor claws!

  • Features venom spitter shooter, deadly stinger and razor claws!
  • Highly flexible and poseable design!
  • Fire the venom spitter shooter!
  • Includes unique code worth 200 game points for LEGO® Hero Factory BREAKOUT game!
  • Battle with 6227 BREEZ!
  • Combine with 6227 BREEZ for an even bigger model!
  • Stands over 6” (17cm) tall!


Thornraxx Instruction

Список деталей

Black Hero Factory Arm 5 L/ Leg with Ball Joint on Axle and Ball Socket

2x 4593555

Black Hero Factory Arm 4 L/ Leg with Ball Joint on Axle and Ball Socket

2x 4609682

Black Technic Pin Connector Perpendicular 3L with 2 Pins

2x 4593579

Black Hero Factory Armour with Ball Joint Socket - Size 3

3x 6039134

Black Hero Factory Weapon - Angled Blade

2x 4652399

Black Hero Factory Chest Armour with Angled Bar on Top and Straight Bar on Bottom

3x 4622907

Black Hero Factory Weapon - Witch Doctor Claw Marbled Red Pattern

1x 4630132

Black Technic Axle Connector 2 x 3 with Ball Socket Open Lower Axle Holes

1x 4610948

Black Hero Factory Mask Insect

1x 4652154

Red Technic Axle 2 Notched

1x 4142865

Red Technic Axle 2 Notched

3x 4142865

Red Bionicle Zamor Sphere

1x 4545430

White Hero Factory Chest Badge with

1x 6048911

Orange Flexible Ribbed Hose 8mm ends 19L

2x 4561469

Orange Barb Medium Flexible [Claw Horn]

2x 6270101

Orange Barb Medium Flexible [Claw Horn]

1x 6270101

Orange Hero Factory Armour with Ball Joint Socket - Size 5

1x 6137757

Orange Hero Factory Armour with Ball Joint Socket - Size 3

1x 4632603

Orange Hero Factory Zamor Sphere Launcher - Bottom Half with Axle Hole

2x 6021673

Trans-Red Light Cover with Internal Bar / Bionicle Barraki Eye

1x 6171762

Trans-Red Light Cover with Internal Bar / Bionicle Barraki Eye

2x 6171762

Trans-Clear Bionicle Wing Large with Hologram Print

2x 4655093

Dark Bluish Gray Technic Beam 1 x 5 Thick

1x 4210686

Dark Bluish Gray Hero Factory Arm / Leg with Ball Joint and Ball Socket

3x 4622903

Medium Azure Hero Factory Arm 5 L/ Leg with Ball Joint on Axle and Ball Socket

2x 6063835

Medium Azure Technic Axle Connector 2 x 3 with Ball Socket Open Lower Axle Holes

4x 6060782


Обои для рабочего стола


Здравствуйте, друзья. Этот набор я купил пару дней назад, обзор постарался сделать как можно быстрее. Вообще, сей насекомыш долгое время вызывал у меня сомнения, на основании других обзоров трудно было сформировать окончательное мнение. Было бы неплохо, если теперь такого нельзя будет сказать) 


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